To provide service to companies that work with large size parts, RSB decided to invest in a new milling machine, the machine selected was the FOX-40. RSB’s satisfaction regarding roughing capacity, precision and project management led the company, shortly after, to invest in a second machine identical to first one.

"We are a provider of industrial services and we need to offer quality and a wide range of services” states Thomas Müller, owner and CEO of RSB Rationelle Stahlbearbeitung GmbH & Co. KG.; since its foundation in 1997, quality service has been a key factor.
RSB commenced has a company dedicated to circular sawing machines but in a short period of time purchased oxyfuel machines, milling machines, disc polishing machines and grinding machines of different sizes, after only one year RSB employed 60 people and kept growing. Nowadays, the company has 10,000 square metres and employees over 200 people.
With 55 machines the company located in Merkers (Germany) covers all the raw material cuttings to 5 axes machining for parts up to 3,000 x 6,000 mm indicates Production Manager Harald Loos. Its customers are machine tool and mould manufacturers, as well as, machining sector.
The CEO was sure since the beginning that RSB should not be a competitor for its customers so “we do not manufacture finished products or full assemblies. We do not do high speed machining and erosion, neither. In this way, we deliver confidence to our customers”.
RSB found a market niche for the machining of large size components, “small mould and tool companies do not have the capacity and workload for a big machining centre” remarks Müller. After considering several manufacturers and comparing several factors such as after-sales service; RSB chose the bridge type machine FOX-40 of Nicolás Correa. Production manager Harald Loos explains the technological requirements: “we needed a machine with great power for rouging, high precision and good finishing of surfaces and with capacity of machining in 5 faces in one set large and smaller parts”.
“Nicolás Correa bridge machine met all the requirements and allowed to perform all the operations in the same machine”, comments Loos. The FOX has a table of 4,500 x 2,500 mm with a maximum load capacity of 15 tonnes. The courses are 4,000 mm in X axis, 3,750 in Y, 1,500 in Z axis and feeds of 25 m/min.
Another, key factor was the orthogonal head OAD with a power of 52 kW and couple of 1.375 Nm which allows rotating every 0.02º thanks to the double crown Hirth system with a maximum coupling repeatability error + - 3” highlights Lutz Vokmer, Nicoás Correa’s regional Sales Manager.
“In case of any problem with the milling head, has been agreed a change in 48 hours, as well as, 5 years guarantee, these factors were decisive for us” says Loos, together with the thermal stability of this bridge type machine. Therefore we achieve a very high precision in spite of the temperature changes”, explains Volkmer. The machine has a thermos-symmetrical design; Z axis’ friction guides and the head are both refrigerated with water.
Not only the technical features has convinced RSB, “the project management was well organised since the purchasing until the installation” explains the CEO, very satisfied; “we feel that Nicolás Correa provides a great service and the product speaks for itself”. Thus, the purchasing decision of the second FOX machine in 2018 was taken in only 24 hours. “The day after the phone conversation with Lutz Volkmer we signed the project”. RSB purchased a second FOX-40 identical to the first one so the workers do not need to adapt to the new one.
Original article published in the German magazine NC Fertigung - April 2020.