Destec Engineering purchases a NORMA MG milling machine due to its rigidity and accuracy. It also gives the company a multifunction facet.

Destec Engineering Ltd. is a company located in the United Kingdom. They are manufacturers of capital goods and components for the petrochemical industry, oil and gas, and the wind sector, among others. They offer specialized machining services like flange facing, milling, bolt tensioning and a lot more. With more than 50 years of activity, they have developed various products and services on an international level.
Destec Engineering has recently acquired a bed-type with rotary table milling machine NORMA MG of 2.5 meters at X, 1.5 meters at Y, and 1.5 meters at Z. It provides great flexibility to perform several machining operations on 6 axes.
The accuracy and rigidity the machine offers are two of the main reasons why Destec decided to choose this milling machine. They also needed a larger machine, one that could give them multiple applications like clamps and other components for underwater pipelines that use special materials, so it is necessary to work with a high precision and a degree of accuracy, explains Ben Vincent, Global Sales and Marketing Manager at Destec.
The ram of the machine has vertical compensation built in, and it has the thermal compensation to allow the machine to stabilize in a workshop for different temperatures.
It is the first time that Destec works with DTS, Correa’s partner in United Kingdom. “We are very satisfied with the service before the purchase, and after as well. Every time we have had an issue or a question, they have replied back very quickly whether it was DTS or Nicolás Correa from Spain” said Ben Vincent.
“The reason why we chose what DTS, and Correa offered us with the NORMA MG milling machine, was the high degree of flexibility within the machine and there also was an extended warranty of five years, which did impress us. In addition, due to a visit to one of the factories from Nicolás Correa, we were able to see a number of Correa machines in operation” added Vincent.
“The NORMA MG is going to enable us to do much bigger products since it allows us to mechanize pieces up to 2 meters in diameter, so it is going to expand our capabilities and it will enhance our response times in the fabrication of components for our clients".
Watch the full story at MTD CNC channel.