RIS3 seeks to increase the competitiveness and commitment of Castilla y León to digitalisation, research, decarbonisation and sustainability through the mobilisation of more than 14,500 million euros.

Grupo Nicolás Correa (GNC) has taken part in the definition of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) 2021-2027, which is the backbone of the future development of R&D and digitalisation projects in Castilla y León through the mobilisation of public and private funds. The company has been consulted by the regional government for the implementation of its plan, as it is one of the main companies in the region in terms of production and economic levels, as well as holding the presidency of the Castilla y León Capital Goods Cluster.
RIS3 seeks to increase the competitiveness of the activities in which Castilla y León specialises, not only through its digital and ecological transition, but also by taking advantage of the opportunities offered to companies in the region by the commitment to digitalisation, decarbonisation and sustainability. In this regard, RIS3 will mobilise 14.5 billion euros in public and private resources to encourage the participation of companies, universities, research and technology centres and associations, among others, in R&D&I and digitalisation funding programmes at local, national and European level.
Javier Hernando, R&D director of the Nicolás Correa Group, points out that "companies are facing two simultaneous revolutions: the industrial revolution and the efficient transformation of our processes. Among these challenges we can mention the adaptation of our way of designing, producing and distributing to the digital economy, the incorporation of new equipment and technologies to make processes more sustainable". "RIS3 must be the backbone of support for companies in Castilla y León, in collaboration with the Administration, to meet these challenges", concludes Hernando.