Burgos, 26th March 2020.
From the beginning of the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19, Correa Group has prioritised the health and safety of its workers and their families. The company has taken the necessary steps to protect its staff.
Over the past two months, trips have been postponed and meetings and the attendance to external events has been banned; part of the personnel is working from home and the other part is working in various shifts to minimise the risk of contagion. In the same way, daily disinfection of the facilities and the use of Personal Protective Equipment have been implemented.
Considering the development of the epidemic, Correa Group has decided to take one step further and it will cease its activity at the parent company, Nicolás Correa S.A., GNC Hypatia and GNC Electrónica during two weeks from Monday 30th March until Sunday 12th April. The decision comes in response of Spanish Government resolution of extending the State of Emergency for other 15 days.
With this measure, it will be possible that all our employees will be in quarantine at the same time; minimising the risk and contributing to slow down the spread of COVID-19. It has been agreed with Correa staff a modification on the holidays of the 2020 calendar to fit this two-week break. So far, the production levels have been kept up to 100%, thus, we expect that after the break it continues the same way.
At the present time, there have not been any confirmed cases of coronavirus in none of our factories. Correa Group will establish all the necessary measures to avoid the spread of the virus.
We trust that this crisis will be over soon, and we will go back to normal at work and in our lives; this has been the case of China where our staff at Shanghai branch is fully working, now.
Correa Group remains alert to the development of the public health crisis and will keep informed all customers, partners and shareholders of any updates on the situation that may occur in the next few days.
From the Correa Group’s Board of Directors, we would like to express our gratitude to all of our personnel for its commitment and responsibility during this difficult situation.