Juan Manuel Perez Mateos, rector of the University of Burgos, defined him as "someone for whom borders are open doors and not barriers".

During his speech, the rector of the UBU highlighted its international vision, perseverance, overcoming obstacles and commitment to innovation, both in technology and in the way it approaches its business model. He also stressed how joint university-business work benefits society as a whole, while showing his confidence in the involvement of the business world in the challenge of advancing in dual training, to design curricula that train graduates demanded by the productive sector and society.
This appointment comes at the proposal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies and the godmother of the new honoris causa, Begoña Prieto, emphasised the relationship of the businessman with this Faculty, and with the UBU as a whole, for more than two decades. "A person whose commitment to Burgos and its University occupies a significant place in the field of business cooperation with society and academia".
You can watch the video of the investiture at the following link