Nicolás Correa has more than 15 years of experience offering solutions for the wind power industry.

Travelling column milling machine AXIA represents a pure box-in-box concept, combining an innovative ram droop mechanical system with a unique ram guiding system. The linear guideways in X, Y and Z axes allows feeds of 30-40 m/min. The machine configuration offers precision and robustness and maximises machine productivity.
The two cnc machines AXIAS-70 are identical with courses of X 7000 mm, Y 1500 mm and Z 4000 mm. These machines are intended for the wind power sector in which Nicolás Correa has been working for the last 15 years. The AXIAS are part of a project which includes other two AXIAS and a travelling column machine MAGNA of X 7500 mm, Y 2000 mm and Z 5000 mm.
These machines are both equipped with orthogonal auto-indexing heads OAD of 30kW, 1050 Nm and 6000 rpm. All the positions can be reached keeping a high level of productivity in facing, drilling and tapping operations with the OAD.
The two AXIAS share a head magazine with other two heads; one is the FCT a high torque front spindle with 52 kW and 2005 Nm in S1. This head permits to maintain the highest levels of productivity avoiding the use of a boring quill. We can produce between 2600– 3000 cm3/min of chips cutting Cast Iron GG25 or similar. Moreover, all heads use same taper so customer can utilise same cutting tools and holders in all heads.