Strategische Allianz mit Precision Engineering Technologies (PETECH)
Diese Zusammenarbeit stärkt das Engagement von Nicolás Correa, fortschrittliche Bearbeitungslösungen auf dem indischen und malaysischen Markt anzubieten.

APD Castilla y León feiert ein Jahrzehnt des Einflusses der Wirtschaft
Die APD Castilla y León feiert ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen und hebt die Persönlichkeit von Jose Ignacio Nicolás Correa hervor

Appointment of President and Vice-President
Nicolás Correa S.A. appoints Bibiana Nicolás Correa Vilches and Jaime Nicolás Correa Vilches as President and Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the Company.

The Correa Group deeply regrets to announce the loss of the Chairman of its Board of Directors, Mr. Jose Ignacio Nicolás Correa Barragán.
Nicolás Correa S.A., all its subsidiaries, its Board of Directors, its management teams and all its employees mourn his loss today. They will always be grateful for the commendable work carried out by their President, his dedication and contributions in the performance of his duties and convey their condolences to his family and friends.

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
The Board of Directors of the Company has resolved to call the General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on April 24th 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at the Company’s registered office, located in Calle Alcalde Martin Cobos nº 16-A, Burgos, on first call, and, if the quorum is not reached, in the same place on April 25th 2024, at 12:00 p.m., on second call

José Nicolás-Correa Barragán wird mit der Ehrendoktorwürde ausgezeichnet
Juan Manuel Perez Mateos, Rektor der Universität von Burgos, bezeichnete ihn als jemanden, für den Grenzen offene Türen und keine Barrieren sind".